


I've worked on these few projects over the years. All of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas on how it can be improved.

NoteMe App

NoteMe App

A blog posting app built using Next.js, Hono, Cloudflare Workers, Edge runtime
Youtube Clone

Youtube Clone

Youtube-clone using Next.js, FIrebase and Google Cloud, heavily focused on Video upload Feature
Summarease AI

Summarease AI

App that use RapidAPI based on GPT-4 to summarize the url provide and output a descriptive summary
Auth v5

Auth v5

In-house authentication solution for my any next.js project built using Auth.js with route protection.
CMS E-Commerce

CMS E-Commerce

E-Commerce platform to view products and make purchases using Stripe
CMS Admin

CMS Admin

CMS admin panel to manage different stores at single place and track orders